Virtual Peer Group
Every day, you’re faced with problems like handling a problem customer, working with a troublesome employee or trying to get satisfaction from an equipment vendor while at the same time, getting the work out and making some money.
This can be tough stuff, but others are fighting the same battles every day—sharing their experience can be both reassuring and enlightening. The challenge is finding people in the same boat but who are not competitors.
The virtual peer group is the answer. It’s an opportunity for owners of similar firms but in different areas to get together electronically with a facilitator to share and learn. To find out how call PIASD at 858.800.6900 today!
Education + Training
Top-notch training and educational initiatives remain a cornerstone of PIA’s service to the printing industry. Check out our certification and webinars.
Job Board
Looking To Build Your Team?
If you are seeking employees or employment in the
graphic communications industry, look no further.
PIASD has launched an online listing of job openings and job seekers interested in graphic communication!
Fast, easy and free to use, Job Board has you covered!