Let's kick off 2024 with a bang!

What's the deal? Free dues. It’s simple. Bring in a new member and we’ll waive your dues for the month. Printers or Vendors all qualify. We’ll even double the offer! Bring in 2 members, get 2 months free.

Who doesn’t like FREE?

Next Steps

Click the links to the right to download a "membership benefits" flier that highlights the power of membership, dues schedule and a membership application form. Be sure to tell your contact to mention your company so we can take care of your dues for January!

Get All the Power of an Association.

Health Insurance

We have all major carriers – with flexibility to choose the combination that works for your business.

Management Solutions

Take the headache out of running your business. From HR to cash management to collections, our solutions are best-in-class.

Group Buying Discounts

We have negotiated much better discounts than most members would be able to achieve on their own. In fact, taking advantage of just one or two of these discounts may cover your cost of membership.

Financial Resources

We offer financial tools that allow owners to track bad risks as well as get discounts on commercial audit reports before you risk getting left without payment.

Join Today